While out and about today, I had some flashbacks to some situations with the monster that today, I find quite laughable. At the time, it wasn't, but I got a silent chuckle over it today.
One afternoon after he'd had a few (or several) beers, he asked me to drive to the office in Columbia that would have information on how to go about adopting an American Indian child. (he's apparently part Cherokee and believes he has this great connection to them but that's a story for another day). I was less than thrilled - not because I have a problem with adopting a child, but we were only a couple of months away from having our child together, and of course his having alcohol on his breath when he wanted to have this conversation with someone from the state really irked me. (and before you can ask WHY I agreed to drive him there, it was to save the argument and aggravation that I would have faced had I refused to take him)
We get to the office, go in, and he starts talking to the social worker. I did not hide my irritation at being there, and there was no hiding my bulging pregnant belly. I most likely rolled my eyes a lot, did the foot shake thing where your legs are crossed and you move your foot, and sighed a lot. I was afraid to speak up and say I wasn't interested because I didn't want the argument when we left, so I kept my mouth shut. Thankfully, after listening to the drunk for what seemed like forever, the man said that they wouldn't consider adopting a child to a family that was about to have the major change in their household of having a new baby. Of course he had to throw in that he could tell that I didn't really seem to be interested, and I agreed that I felt that it would be too overwhelming for me to consider adoption when I would be a new mother very soon to my own child, and that this idea to adopt a child was just brought up to me that very day.
Needless to say, he wasn't pleased that he couldn't immediately adopt a child on a whim, and that they wouldn't even let him meet one of the children in question to play with them.
Oh but it gets better - I also remembered today that he claimed we would be adopting the children of a man that he supposedly worked with in the fire department. This story happened when we lived in Mount Zion, GA (the one in Carroll county, GA). I'm a little foggy on the details, but he insisted that we would be getting these kids (I think they were either in their early teens, or pre-teens, IF they even existed). I remember having an argument about this - I knew he was lying about this for one, but I wanted to make the point that I wasn't willing to do this, that this request was totally unreasonable.
Sometimes I wonder how I survived those years of insanity without totally losing my own sanity. Fucking NUTS!
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