Monday, December 1, 2014


So recently, I'm taking Steven's brother CJ back to his apartment that he lives in with their father.  I hate that CJ is stuck having to live with that man, but perhaps one day those circumstances will change.

Steven is always glad that his father is not outside whenever we go to pick up or drop CJ off.  He just doesn't want to see him.  I can't say I blame him.  I get emotional sometimes when we talk about his father, because while part of me is very glad that James is no longer a part of Steven's life, it makes me sad for him too.  I mean - James doesn't even call him.  Ever.  Steven hasn't seen or even talked to James after all the ugliness that happened back in June 2009.

But honestly, to have that man out of his life is truly the best thing that ever happened for Steven.  Steven is old enough now to realize that he learned a lot of really bad things from James - the worst of which was how to treat me and people in general, and he has completely unlearned those behaviors, thanks to a couple of strong men in his life. 

My stepfather, Marion, was the first one to get ahold of Steven, along with my stepbrother Thomas, when Steven did some things shortly after the divorce.  I think they put a healthy fear and respect into him about how not to treat me.  And of course having Marion around helped in general with Steven - he never saw his Poppy raise his hand to me or his New-nee, and rarely heard him raise his voice.

Brian has been a God-send for Steven. Unfortunately, I had gotten to the point that I was so used to being talked down to or spoken to in a disrespectful manner, that I didn't even realize it when Steven would do it.  He made it quite clear to Steven a long time ago that Steven would not be treating me badly or smart mouthing me.  It took having Brian in his life to do more with him than I honestly think I could ever have done on my own.  I honestly don't know where Steven would be right now if it weren't for Brian.

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